The Gateway Company
of Missouri

6425 Graham Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63134

(314) 524-7440

Steel Fabrication Introduction

Since 1986, The Gateway Company has been one of the foremost fabricators of industrial structural steel in St. Louis. The list of projects ranges from access and work platforms to large pipe bridges to entire industrial buildings. The materials used include carbon, alloy and stainless steel as well as aluminum. The more challenging fabrications are our specialty. Our clients include most major industrial firms and general contractors in the St. Louis area.

Gateway’s two abrasive blasting and coating shops are “value added” complements to the fabrication service. We can properly prepare the surface and apply any high performance protective coating including 100% solids, plural component materials. Surface preparation includes the use of steel abrasive, ceramic media and plastic media.

  • AISC Certification for Intermediate Bridge
  • Received Boeing Performance Excellence Awards since 2008